Habakkuk 2: 2-3

This is a Watchman Ministry, not associated with any of the other ministries linked to on this site or any denomination, two ministries that i believe are called to teach are Hebraic Heratige and Lionlamb ministries, links on home page, waytozion.org is also a site that links to other sound ministries.

A 1 B 2 C 3 - Z 26

Begin by going down the right hand column on the home page/ notice the topical design associated with the sum of a word or phrase, the design becomes quite apparent...knowledge of the scriptures will increase your awareness, that this isn't random.

i wish that there was an easy way to explain how the search of 144 words began and how everything progressed from there.......by strange events and circumstances that only He could have done...you just had to be there or me to really appreciate how HE did this work....not by my wisdom, that is a given.

Learning the english method is simple and all the tools you need are in the Tools page, follow the Standard English Method Consecutive on the Home page, go through the 21 first occurrences, and the Special +8 verses following/ Table Page #1, #2 these two pages show how the Math was done.

The 380th vs. on the home page is the First Verse of the SHEMUAH

21 different words equal 144 in the 1769 KJV

The 380th vs. is the First Verse that has a Word that equals 144 kenizzites

The SHEMUAH goes through all 21 first occurrences of those words. (unworthy 2nd occurrence)sole variation

"Ending" each 144 word/verse consecutive, only when the sum of the verse equals a verse with the word "BasheMath" or the sum of the verse equals a verse that has already appeared in the SHEMUAH, from the beginning of the word/verses consecutive and accumulative/consecutive methods.

The 380th vs. = the beginning/ first word/verse that equals 144

380th vs. equals 475 fourhundredseventyfive 286

A = sum of the verse with a word that equals 144 for each 144 word/verse consecutive

B = sum/spelled out for each 144 word/verse consecutive

A/A sum accumulative/ then consecutive from the first word/verse 144 till the last word/verse 144, All twenty one first occurrence verses, sole variation, unworthy 2nd occurrence.

A/B is the same as A/A, except it is the sum of the numbers spelled out accumulated of the 21 verses with a word that equals 144

The last eight 13-21 144 word/verses, have two amazing additional increases, understanding will come if you follow the methods consecutive and accumulative on the tables pages. look carefully at the numbers where the two additional begin 13296...3296

1st 144 , last verse has in it " I AM GOD ALMIGHTY" which equals 144, it ends the divine sequence repeating the sum of a verse with only one other verse in between...

By going through the process from the beginning your eyes will be opened and a blessing will come by doing the calculations, His Spirit will be opening your eyes to His YAH Mazing Wonders and His power in all things that HE holds together.

The wonder/marvel of the additional 8 verses at the end of the SHEMUAH that end with a verse that equals 1043. on the Home page The last 8 verses. Eight/8 tables page 13-21, accumualted C A/C is -1043 spelled out = 276

*8* verses that are Added because YAHUWAH is His Name.

Remembering always/ or if you didn't already know, the Torah is a parable and it written of YESHUA, Psalms 78:1-2, Psalms 40:7,Luke 24:44 and what happened to the fathers are prophecies of what will happen to the children/ 1Corinthians 10:1, ecclesiastes 3:15 (all our fathers) to the last generation in the Greater Exodus. He operates according to His cycles. The restoration of all things, bringing back something that was previously, was broken/cut off, and Restored by the re-newed Covenant in His blood, by becoming a curse for us (House of Israel), when HE was hung on a Tree, so that those who were a people, then not a people, could be restored to His People. T
The whole House of Jacob united Acts 1:6, the tabernacle of David in the land = Zion Amos 9:10-15 Blessed IS HE Who Comes in the Name of YAHUWAH

Test the material on this site, fulfilling Habakkuk 2:2-3 & Jeremiah 51:46 <> The Testimony of YESHUA is the Spirit of prophecy / O that all His people would prophecy <> Prophecy, accurately divide the word, fulfilling the Torah, causing His Instrutions to stand firm = Spirit of Prophecy

It is far better to put your trust in Him, than to put confidence in man > Test all things_

All His Servants will give an account for themselves at the Judgment seat of Messiah.

No Savior Besides YAHUWAH Barach atah YESHUA Ha Mashiyach, Melech ha olam

If you have difficulty understanding a method, or are completely lost, send a e-mail and hopefully i can help clarify the matter. Katriel232@yahoo.com

Jeremiah 51:46 And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the SHEMUAH that shall be heard in the land, a SHEMUAH shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a SHEMUAH, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.


~~~YAHUWAH ELOHIYM ~~~ The Almighty GOD of heaven and earth, with Whom nothing is impossible, coded the english translation of the 1769 KJV in echad/unity with the Masoretic 103 and Textus Receptus 216.

KJV English Translation 260

Gematria is defined as the substitution of letters of the alphabet for the numbers, in the form A1, B2, C3, till Z26. Standard English Method, All English calculations on this site are the standard English method <> Hebrew or greek standard method from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus.

(SEM) <> (SHM/SGM) Total value for each verse <>

Once you begin to understand the process methods used,(by practice) Revealed by GOD ALMIGHTY, you will be able to unlock treasures yourself.

We are the last generation and we are at the end of that generation, entering/ed into the time of Jacob's trouble, the edge of the Great Tribulation, Enclosed is Oil for the lamps of the wise virgins.

To understand the full revelation, you MUST understand the prophecies of the end of days, below this link on the start page are two ministries,Especially called of ELOHIYM to restore His people back to His Ways, and give them the correct understanding of the end of days, the House of Jacob becoming united in the Land keeping His Statutes and Judgments as He writes His Torah upon our heart and mind.

Then He shall appear in His Glory

HE Watches over Yerushalayim 24/7 Isaiah 626 message

Ha Shema

Shema Yisra’EL YAHUWAH ELOHEYNU YAHUWAH Echad, Ve’ahavta ET YAHUWAH ELOHEYKA bekhol levavkha u’vekhol nafshekha u’vekho me’odkha

Hear O Israel THE LORD our GOD is ONE LORD And thou shalt Love THE LORD thy GOD with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

But there is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Job 32:8

The methods are from the Almighty, HE Gives Understanding

YAHUWAH ELOHIYM by math has given us incredible proofs of the perfection of the scriptures and the accuracy of His Word, that are our instructions, Pure Oil for the wise, who's lamps will not burn out.

It is not a coincidence that a language from a small island has become the international language of the world, HE Did It!!!

HE looks over His Word to Perform it as HE pleases,
HE knew that the English language would be the translation that would be predominant in spreading His Good News for the last 400 years, Of course that was according to His Good Pleasure that English would be that language, HE could have sealed His Word with other languages, i dont know, but i do know that HE Sealed His Word in the 1769 KJV, and now is His appointed time to reveal that to His people.

These teachings that were mathamatically sealed by Him are our Instructions how to serve Him and what is coming prophetically in the last days, so we can be a survivor and be among the blessed that will still be living, when the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our Great God and Saviour YESHUA HA MASHIYACH.

Zion shall be built, HE shall Appear in Glory

HE worked unknown to the translators that they were putting in The Key to unlocking His Word, when they translated His word into the English, the language that He had orchestrated the developement of to that time, as it is written in the 1769 KJV, so that it could be revealed to us at this time.

His Torah Is The Truth, YAHUSHUAH Is The Truth, Torah proceedeth from Him

This is a UNSEALING of HIS WORD, at the time of the end. Secret parables in His Word, perfect pearls Hidden in the Hebrew & Greek & English Languages, Reserved For His Elect, His Heritage, The Israel of ELOHIYM, The House of Ya'acob

HE will restore His people back to the pure language, which is Hebrew, and this is part of the Way HE Is accomplishing that as He draws us back to the understanding that HE has been declaring in His Word from the very beginning. He is reviving us, Praise His Kadosh/Set-apart/Holy Name

Helping the process

English is taught in almost every country of the world as a second language.

6/6/2010 153 begins

Ah ADONAI YAHUWAH! behold, Thou Hast Made the heaven and the earth by Thy Great Power and Stretched Out Arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee.

Jeremiah 32:17